We provide a wide range of services in Ireland which include:
- Residential / Respite services
- Supported living
- Day Horizon services (New Directions, HSE 2012)
- Outreach services
Autism Initiatives work in partnership with and are funded by the Health Service Executive (HSE). This makes it possible for us to provide high quality specialist services to autistic people and their families.
Service provision in Ireland
Every Euro raised will be used to make a difference in the lives of autistic people and their families. Due to differences in currency, laws and fundraising regulations our supporters in Ireland liaise directly with our head office team based in County Wicklow. They can be contacted via phone on 01-281 1636 or you can get in touch via our contact form.
Support us
Fundraising resources including T-shirts, collection tins and sponsorship forms can all be provided on request to people supporting us in Ireland, complete our Contact form and someone will be in touch to get you the resources you need.
Fundraising resources
Looking for support in Ireland?
If you, or someone you know, is in need of help and support, or would benefit from taking advantage of the support we can offer in Ireland, please get in touch and someone will be able to advise on your next steps.
I have loved being able to provide support to so many amazing people over the years and feel fortunate to have been encouraged to do this and progress.