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Autism Initiative’s Highland One Stop Shop is looking forward to delivering a pilot employability project for autistic adults thanks to funding from the SafeDeposits Scotland Community Fund.

Currently autistic people have one of the lowest rates of employment, even amongst other disability groups.  Highland One Stop Shop already provides free employment support to autistic adults who are struggling to enter the labour market.  However due to demand, people are presently restricted to a set number of one-hour support appointments.

SafeDeposits Scotland Community Fund support will enable Highland One Stop Shop to pilot an initiative whereby 20 beneficiaries will receive the support they need to materially improve their employability.

Highland One Stop Shop Manager, Gill MacLennan said: “This small pilot will help around 20 autistic people in Highland overcome multiple barriers to employment and make a significant difference to their lives and future independence.  We would like to thank the SafeDeposits Scotland Community Fund for investing in the futures of autistic people in Highland.”

For more information about Highland One Stop Shop please contact: Highland One Stop Shop, 1/1A Friars Street, Inverness, IV1 1RJ or call them on 01463 717649