Highland One Stop Shop, known as HOSS, is based in Friars Street Inverness where we benefit from a large activity room with a separate area where the computers are located, a lounge room, and a training/meeting room and can be used as a drop-in during set hours.
It is a safe place, where people can relax, stay for all or part of the drop in time, and take a break from the stresses of everyday life. The activity area has seating areas, games consoles; a PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 set up.
The training/meeting room has a storage unit containing the art materials and the musical instruments are also located in this room. We also have a library in the lounge room which stocks autism-specific books and magazines. The library is open to autistic people, their families or carers and other organisations with an interest in the autistic spectrum. These rooms are open for use during our drop in times.
About HOSS
Drop In Times:
- Tuesday: 12pm – 3pm
- Friday: 12pm – 3pm
Outside of these times, use of the building is by arrangement only and people can contact a member of staff to book the use of any facilities.
Caithness Drop In: This is a monthly drop in held at Stepping Stones in Thurso from 4.30pm – 6.30pm. The date will vary depending on availability of the venue so refer to the monthly activity calendar on the main website for details. There is a range of activities offered, including, pool, arts and crafts and gaming. For more information please contact us.
Skye Drop In: We are currently exploring options for getting this up and running again. For more information please contact us.
Lochaber Drop In: This is a monthly drop in held at Kilmallie Community Centre, Corpach, Fort William from 1pm – 3pm. There are various activities on offer, including pool, table tennis, gaming, arts and crafts. For more information please contact us.
Drop-in sessions
Staff working within the HOSS are available for 1 to 1 appointments to discuss a range of topics and support individuals to develop strategies for specific situations and areas of difficulty.
Typical topics that arise in 1-1 appointments are:
- Employment – including finding and maintaining employment. Support may be given for the application and interview process, as well as discussing difficulties that arise in the workplace.
- Benefits – assistance with finding out what benefits you may be entitled to and how to apply, or issues with current benefits you are receiving.
- Housing – including support with housing applications and advice on financial or other issues that may help to maintain a tenancy.
Problem solving support can also be provided in the following areas: education, befriending and relationships.
If you would like to make a 1:1 appointment please contact us
1 to 1 Support
- There are a number of interest groups and activities that are run on a regular basis during the month.
- If there is a group or an activity that you are interested in, please get in touch
- All groups will be facilitated by trained volunteers or HOSS staff.
- All groups at HOSS will be free to attend unless we schedule a trip e.g. Cinema, café, restaurant where there will be a charge.
- Please visit the activity calendar on the Highland OSS Website for dates and times of upcoming activities.
Groups and activities
We are still looking to recruit more volunteers from across Highland who will provide support to many aspects of our work, the main areas being:
- Social Groups – supporting a small group to enjoy socialising in the local community.
- Special Interest Groups – supporting social interaction and expression through creative arts (e.g. a music or creative writing group).
In addition, we also use volunteers to support various other activities such as quiz nights, film nights and art group. There are new social events starting all the time, so new volunteer opportunities are always available.
All volunteers are given induction training and in addition, volunteers will be given the opportunity to develop their skills through further training. This may be internal or external courses provided by relevant professionals.
Anyone interested in volunteering for the Highland One Stop Shop should contact us.
We hope you find the following links useful:
Useful Links
Find out more about HOSS
If you, or someone you know, is in need of help and support, or would benefit from taking advantage of the support HOSS can offer please get in touch and someone at Autism Initiatives will be able to advise on your next steps.
The OSS has literally changed my life. It has given me the tools and awareness to live my life to its fullest. I cannot understate how pivotal this service has been in my life