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Help fund autism projects

Our fundraisers are inspiring. They are walking, running, baking and cycling to raise funds to provide equipment, training and support for autistic people to achieve their potential every single day.

You can get involved with one of our official events, organise your own fundraising activity, or simply support somebody participating.

We have a fab fundraising portal full of all the information, support and resources you need to join in the fun!

Check out our fundraising promise to learn more about how money raised is used.

Get involved

Step Up!

Walk for Autism is a fundraising challenge to walk 10,000 steps a day from 26 March to 2 April.

It’s also World Autism Acceptance Week so a great time to celebrate.

Over the last 7 years more than 15,000 people have signed up to increase autism acceptance and understanding and raise vital funds for autism projects around the UK run by Autism Initiatives Group.

We’ll have news about Walk for Autism 2025 soon, so keep checking back for more info!

Walk for Autism UK & Ireland

Support autism in Ireland

Autism Initiatives started providing services in Ireland in 2005. Under the name Autism Initiatives Ireland, we work alongside autistic people and their families to help them identify and achieve their goals.

As Ireland is governed by different laws within the EU, fundraising for this region is managed locally.

Fundraising in Ireland

Leave a legacy

Gifts from wills can make a huge difference to our work.

Leaving a gift in your will is a powerful way to create a lasting legacy that will help secure the future of the work that we do.  You will have peace of mind that your affairs are in order while supporting the work of Autism Initiatives Group.

We have partnered with specialist online will writers Octopus Legacy who provide this service online but also by telephone or face to face if your prefer.

Please use offer code AUTISMINITIATIVESFREE at checkout or quote on the telephone or face to face meeting to claim your free will.

There is no obligation to leave a gift to Autism Initiatives Group

Gifts in Wills

Our fundraisers make a real difference

If you, or someone you know, would like to help raise understanding, acceptance and much needed funds for projects supporting autistic people, please visit our fundraising platform

I’ve really enjoyed walking for this cause and I hope more awareness has been raised.

Stacey, Walk for Autism fundraiser